Introducing No Labels Groups

From Ryan Clancy, No Labels: In the twenty years I’ve been working in politics, something significant has changed.  I no longer trust much of what I read.  I’m no conspiracy theorist, and there are still plenty of good journalists doing good work, but many of the “facts” I am presented with seem designed to push […]

My “March 5th Voter Guide”

This March 5th election is critical, for so many reasons—the Republican presidential primary, DCCC and RCCC races, judicial races and bait-and-switch ballot measures.   Please don’t sit this one out!  Here are my voting recommendations: FEDERAL: Presidential Primary: If you’re anything short of a fiercely-committed Democrat, PLEASE join the Republican Party to vote for Nikki […]

Daniel Lurie for Mayor of San Francisco

Message from Daniel Lurie: Over the last few months, I’ve had the privilege of talking with San Franciscans from every walk of life. These conversations have helped shaped my vision for our city, which I want to share with you. As mayor, I will prioritize: 1. Public safety 2. Accountable leadership 3. The homelessness emergency […]

How Parties Use Primaries to Limit Our Choices

Last week, the New York Times’ Thomas Edsall criticized No Labels for “gearing up to pick a third-party presidential ticket without the constraints and safeguards of primary elections and caucus contests.” We’ve published our response to his questions and encourage you to read our thoughts.   Here’s a question: If our primary election process is so great, why is it about […]

OPPOSE Safai’s increased taxes to solve the SFPD staffing crisis

        At the eleventh hour and through some backhanded political maneuvering during the Rules committee meeting on Monday, Supervisor Safai introduced a “poison-pill”  amendment to Supervisor Dorsey’s charter amendment for police staffing that states that the SFPD staffing plan would ONLY be enacted if new taxes are added to cover the cost.Let that sink in: Under […]

Democracy Hypocrisy

NO LABELS They don’t want you to know it, but the Democratic and Republican parties have rigged their primary processes to force Americans to choose from presidential candidates they don’t want in 2024.    Two-thirds of Democratic-leaning voters clearly say they want someone other than President Joe Biden atop their ticket, but the Democratic National Committee has adopted several measures […]

Your Sacred Right

For over a year, No Labels has been working to defend a sacred right of every American citizen: The right to choose the leaders who represent us.   We, the people, have a constitutional right not only to cast a vote for whomever we choose. We also have the right to decide which candidates and parties […]

What a week!  

What a week!    Between getting on the ballot in Arkansas (our sixth state and counting) and a wildly spirited and successful launch of the No Labels’ Common Sensepolicy booklet in New Hampshire, the No Labels movement continues to gain momentum.  But we’re just getting started. In the coming weeks, we’ll be putting together a schedule for […]